Inertial Mass Reduction

Let’s breakdown the modification of inertial mass, reducing inertia on a moving object, using a high-intensity magnetic field around the object, and how it can be used to create a seemingly runaway acceleration effect on that object. Such a technology on aircraft and spacecraft could allow for rapid ever increasing levels of acceleration without g-forces.

My Magnet Free-Fall Experiments

  • I conducted a series of one control and four magnet free-fall experiments. Each series consisted of twenty five trials.
  • The objects were encased in a light-weight foam and plastic shell I made with a CNC router and 3D printer with an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Rev2 board with a built in accelerometer and gyroscope inside to measure the g-forces experienced as the objects were dropped at a height of slightly over two meters.
  • The control object consisted of non-magnetic fender washers, 2 inches in diameter, stacked to reach a thickness of 2 inches.
  • The magnets used in the experiment are all identical N42 grade, 1 inch thick, 2 inch diameter, with a 1/4 inch hole in the center, rare earth neodymium magnets with a pulling force of 205lbs.
  • The four magnet objects were each configured differently using two of the magnets per magnet object.
  • The NSNS object consisted of two magnets attractively coupled with the overall south pole on the bottom and overall north pole on the top.
  • The NSSN object consisted of two magnets repulsively coupled with a north pole on the bottom and top and the south poles sandwiched together.
  • The SNNS object consisted of two magnets repulsively coupled with a south pole on the bottom and top and the north poles sandwiched together.
  • The SNSN object consisted of two magnets attractively coupled with the overall north pole on the bottom and overall south pole on the top.
  • In every trial, twenty five snapshots were taken every 10ms, starting 10ms from impact with the ground, back to 250ms before impact. Those snapshots were averaged using each 10ms snapshot across the twenty five trials. For example, in the averaged results at T-10ms, the snapshots taken in each trial at T-10ms were averaged.

Galileon Physics

  • Galileo Galilei is reported to be one of the first scientists to discover that objects of the same size but different masses fall at the same rate.
  • In modern physics it is currently understood that all objects fall at the same rate in a gravitational field regardless of their masses. This can be misleading when object free-fall experiments are conducted in a gaseous atmosphere such as the Earth as wind resistance can cause objects with high surface area and low mass, like a feather, to fall slower than low surface area high mass objects, like a hammer.
  • In the NASA Apollo 15 mission to the moon, astronaut David Scott conducted a free-fall experiment with a feather and hammer on live TV to show that in a vacuum, without air to get in the way, both objects fall at the same rate.

Physics Defying Results

  • On Earth, the acceleration rate of gravity is 9.80665 meters per second squared. All objects in free fall, aside from affects by the wind, will not exceed an acceleration rate of 9.80665 meters per second squared.
  • In the control object, there were slightly deviations recorded by the accelerometer from the known quantity of gravitational acceleration on Earth indicating a margin of error by the accelerometer.
  • That said, in the control object, the acceleration rate across the averaged 25 snapshots was 9.911 to 9.948 meters per second squared. The values varied per snapshot with no trend.
  • The same phenomenon occurred with all of the magnet objects having no trend except for one.
  • In the results of the NSNS magnet object when in gravitational free-fall, where it was moving in the direction of north pole to south pole to the ground, the object experienced a runaway acceleration rate that increased in each snapshot until it hit the ground. At T-250ms the averaged snapshot was 10.173 which trended ever higher until T-10ms where it was 11.226 meters per second squared.
  • This magnet configuration was the only one that experienced a runaway acceleration rate, ever higher as it fell, never plateauing before hitting the ground. The SNSN did not trend ever higher in the 250ms before impact and plateaued like the control and other magnet objects.
  • In case the results from the twenty five trials of NSNS tests were an anomaly resulting from magnetic interference with the accelerometer I conducted another series of twenty five trials NSNS AUD with the Arduino board flipped upside down.
  • In that last series the same trend occurred. The object experienced a runaway acceleration rate at every snapshot until hitting the ground, from 10.293 to 11.107 meters per second squared.

Three Possible Hypotheses

  1. The attractively coupled NSNS magnet object has a lower inertial mass when moving in the direction of north pole to south pole causing it to have to overcome a lower level of inertia than an ordinary object.
  2. The attractively coupled NSNS magnet object has a higher gravitational mass causing it to interact with Earth’s gravitational field at a higher rate causing it to fall faster.
  3. Attractively coupled NSNS magnet objects have both lower inertial mass and higher gravitational mass than ordinary objects. For these objects (gravitational mass) / (inertial mass) > 1

Hypotheses Reduced to One

  • I decided to conduct a gravitational mass experiment by placing the magnet objects on an analytical balance with a sufficient, almost three foot high layer of foam spacers to ensure the magnet objects don’t alter the results of the balance. If the field of NSNS is increasing its gravitational mass causing it to fall faster than normal objects then it should have a higher mass than the other magnet objects when placed on the balance as they contain dientical components.
  • The NSNS object did not have a higher mass than the other magnet objects tested, all of which were using identical parts, the two magnets coupled together, a 1/4 inch diameter 4 inch long Aluminum bolt through the magnet’s center holes, two Aluminum washers, and one Aluminum hex nut.
  • The only valid hypothesis I can come up with is that the inertial mass of the NSNS object is being reduced by the magnetic field when the object moves in the direction of north pole to south pole.

Maximizing the Runaway Acceleration Effect

Higher free-fall experiments need to be conducted to determine if the runaway acceleration of the NSNS object from this experiment ever plateaus or if it continues for as long as it travels. It is possible that higher strength NS magnetic fields raise the level at which the object’s acceleration plateaus. Or, it is possible that NS objects never plateau and that higher strength magnetic fields simply serve to raise the rate at which the acceleration increases.

I have decided my next experiment will specialize in testing the NS magnet runaway acceleration affect in free-fall but at greater heights and with additional larger rare earth magnets to determine if the current NSNS object ever plateaus when dropped from a height of 8 meters instead of slightly over 2 meters used in my free-fall experiment.

As far as implications of this technology in transportation, I don’t think I have to tell you just how valuable this technology would be in increasing the acceleration rates of aircraft and spacecraft in future transportation.

Keep Moving Forward


Historical Record of Relevant Experiments

Experiment by Boyd Bushman – Lockheed Senior Scientist
  • Boyd Bushman was a scientist and engineer with a number of patents under his belt for detecting aircraft and missile exhaust. In an interview with David Sereda, Bushman told him of a magnet free-fall experiment he conducted while at Lockheed. He dropped a normal object of the same shape and mass as an object consisting of two magnets repulsively coupled.
  • An anti-parallel magnet object is simply two magnets with their like poles bolted together despite their repelling forces trying to push them apart.
  • He conducted the drops by hand from the 5th floor down to the ground floor where assistants were there to record which object hit the ground first. Every time the anti-parallel magnet object hit the ground last, falling slower than normal objects.
  • In hindsight I wonder of Bushman reported this experiment because he already knew about inertia reduction through top secret projects at Lockheed and he was giving a clue to get interested minds on how to do it.
  • Bushman obviously wouldn’t be allowed to divulge classified information on how inertia can be reduced so he concocts an experiment using repulsively coupled magnets that slows rather than speeds free-fall.
  • Perhaps Bushman’s reported control object was in fact a NS magnet falling in the direction of north pole to south pole and the repulsively coupled magnet object that he never showed on camera was a normal ordinary object.
  • Bushman never used an accelerometer, camera or other sensors to record the results on the free-fall tests, he only had observers on the ground that did not know which object was which just reported on which hit the ground first.
  • Perhaps Bushman was hoping a curious scientist would hear his tale and conduct free-fall experiments with magnets in every possible configuration, with advanced sensor systems to record the free-fall data, and uncover the existence of inertia reduction.
Experiment by Elio Porcelli and Victo Filho
  • The team of Elio Porcelli and Victo Filho replicated the magnet drop experiments of Boyd Bushman. They decided to test a normal object, a repulsively coupled magnet object, and an attractively coupled magnet.
  • To record more precise data of the objects being dropped and eliminate human error, the team attached an accelerometer to the objects before dropping them recording data from just before they were dropped till they hit the ground.
  • Porcelli and Filho reported that the repulsively coupled magnet object fell slowest and the attractively coupled magnet fell fastest. They did not however provide any results beyond a simple g-force number for each object. They didn’t discuss the configuration of the magnet objects in terms of their poles and they did not discuss any trends in the free-fall experiments.
  • All that said, in my search for corroborating evidence of Bushman’s claims I came across their work and got the idea to use an accelerometer from this team.


Brown, T. (1956). The Postulation of an Anti-Gravitational Particle. Definition and Characteristics. The Scientific Notebooks of Thomas Townsend Brown,

Bushman, B. (2008).

Porcelli, E. (2020). New evidences of anomalous forces involving magnetic dipoles in experiments of magnets free fall. ResearchGate, – New Evidences of Anomalous Forces Involving Magnetic Dipoles in Experiments of Magnets.pdf

Porcelli, E. (2021). New Experimental Evidences of Anomalous Forces in Free Fall Locked Magnets. ResearchGate, – New Experimental Evidences of Anomalous Forces in Free Fall Locked Magnets.pdf