Magnet Free-Fall Experiment
Mark 1
The Mark 1 magnet free-fall object consists of the 3D printed plastic shell, the XPS foam encasement layers, the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Rev2, PowerBoost 500 Basic, a 3.7V Lipo 250mAh Battery, and the control and magnet objects.
- Grade: A
- Max Acceleration: 11.962 m/s2
- Average Acceleration: 11.1509 m/s2
- Magnet: 2 x N42, 2″ OD, 1/4″ ID, 1″ thick
- Height: 2.13 meters
- IMU: BMI270
- Replication Warranted: Yes
The data indicates that a dipole magnet moving in the direction of north pole to south pole, NS/NS, experiences progressive acceleration that does not stop increasing until impact with the ground. The NS/NS magnet object reached an average acceleration rate of 11.125 meters/second2. All other free-fall objects plateaued at approximately the acceleration rate of gravity.

Twenty-five trials were conducted per each free-fall object. AUD is an acronym for Arduino upside down which was tested to see if flipping the Arduino impacted the results. The drop height was approximately seven feet.
Three Potential Explanations
- The NS/NS magnet’s field increases its gravitational mass causing it to fall faster.
- The NS/NS magnet’s field decreases its inertial mass causing it to fall faster.
- The NS/NS magnet’s field both increases gravitational mass and decreases its inertial mass causing it to fall faster.
I conducted gravitational mass experiments to determine which explanation is correct. The Gravitational Mass Experiment and its results can be found here.
TLDR, the masses of all magnet object configurations were virtually identical and the NS/NS magnet object did not have the highest mass.
Inertial Mass Reduction appears to be the most likely explanation for the NS/NS magnet object’s progressive acceleration rate.
Further Research Necessary
- Does the NS/NS magnet used here ever plateau in its free-fall acceleration? Higher drop heights need to be tested to make this determination.
- Would a more powerful magnet achieve a higher plateau or just higher rates of acceleration per each snapshot of the accelerometer?
- Would adding fins, while increasing drag, help keep the magnet object from rotating and tumbling during free-fall and ensure the object moves in the direction of north pole to south pole during the entire free-fall?
- Adding additional magnets that are attractively coupled to the existing NS/NS magnet object should increase the free-fall objects gravitational mass while increasing the inertial mass of the object to a lesser extent. This should increase the NS/NS object’s acceleration if my hypothesis that inertial mass reduction is taking place with the NS/NS magnet is correct.
How Can You Help?
I am eager to spread the knowledge of inertial mass reduction technology for its own sake but it might very well also be a path to faster than light propulsion technology. Diffusing this knowledge through academia and the world of science will only happen when many people have replicated this experiment, so many that it gets covered in science journals and science oriented popular media which is why I am willing to take on this work to assist you in assisting me in my goal.
For those looking to replicate this experiment but lack access to the tools, the time, or the money I can 3D print the plastic shells, mill the XPS foam on my CNC router, and solder the electronics together. I can then ship them to your address for the cost of materials and shipping.
Then, all you need to do is buy the magnets, assemble them into the shell, conduct the free-fall experiments, record your data, and publish your data for the world to see.
Contact me if you are interested in such an arrangement. 🙂
- The Objects to be Tested
- Let’s Look at the Tool Requirements
- Let’s Look at the Material Requirements
- Manufacture Experiment Components
- Configure Arduino Nano and Serial Bluetooth Terminal App
- Assemble the Free-Fall Cores
- Assembling the Free-Fall Object
- Conduct Free-Fall Tests
1. The Objects to be Tested
Five different objects will be tested in this experiment. They are:
- Control object using non-magnetic steel fender washers with the thickness and diameter of the magnets.
- NS/NS object composed of two magnets attractively coupled being dropped in the direction of north pole to south pole.
- NS/SN object composed of two magnets repulsively coupled being dropped in the direction of north pole to north pole.
- SN/NS object composed of two magnets repulsively coupled being dropped in the direction of south pole to south pole.
- SN/SN object composed of two magnets attractively coupled being dropped in the direction of south pole to north pole.
2. Let’s Look at the Tool Requirements
The tools needed to craft the components in this experiment are:
- 3D Printer
- CNC Router
- Soldering Equipment
If you lack any of these tools they are usually available at a local Maker Space which have modest monthly subscription fees.
Another option is to buy a 3D printer, buy or build a CNC router, and buy soldering equipment for yourself. I am working on designing what I call, a MakeStation, a solid RFJ designed table with an RFJ tweaked MPCNC router mounted on top, a shelf on the bottom for placing a Creality Ender 3 V3 SE 3D printer residing inside an RFJ designed plexiglass box, and a pull out drawer for soldering as well as a place to house an ultracheap Chromebook for controlling the 3D printer and CNC router via a web browser.
Important note, I included .gcode files for the 3D printed plastic shell parts and for the milled foam encasement pieces. The .gcode files are specifically made for the Creality Ender 3 V3 SE and for the MPCNC Primo router respectively. In the 3D printer .zip files I also included Universal Cura Project .3mf files for those who use Ultimaker Cura along with plain .stl files for everyone else. For the milled foam pieces I included Autodesk Fusion 360 .f3z files along for importation into Fusion 360 where you can then generate the specific .gcode files for your CNC router.
3. Let’s Look at the Material Requirements
4. Manufacture Experiment Components
4.a. Print the Magnet Free-Fall Object Shell
Download Mark 1 – Plastic Shells
The plastic shell has a bullet shaped nose and the shell itself is 1.5mm thick. There are eight holes on the top and bottom of the shell for fastening them together with M4 x 25mm Nylon screws and hex nuts.
Mark 1 – Front Shell
Filament Used: 45g – 14.94m
Time to Print: 3 hours 1 minutes
- Ultimaker Cura Settings
- Walls > Wall Thickness > 2.0 mm
- Infill > Infill Density > 50.0%
- Support > Generate Support > Checked
- Support > Support Structure > Tree
- Support > Support Placement > Everywhere
Mark 1 – Back Shell
Filament Used: 26g – 8.68m
Time to Print: 2 hours 9 minutes
- Ultimaker Cura Settings
- Walls > Wall Thickness > 2.0 mm
- Infill > Infill Density > 50.0%
- Support > Generate Support > Checked
- Support > Support Structure > Tree
- Support > Support Placement > Everywhere
4.b. Surface and Cut the XPS Foam
Download XPS Foam Surfacing and Cutting Files
Surface the XPS Foam using the surfacing bit from the surfacing operation you performed on the Spoilboard for the MPCNC router. The surfacing bit is 1″ in diameter and the file XPS-Foam-Surfacing.gcode assumes you are using that bit. If you are using a different bit, open the XPS-Foam-Surfacing.f3z file in Autodesk Fusion 360 and change the bit used.
On the X-Axis place the clamps along the side to hold down the material. Make sure on the Y-Axis to place the left edge of the left most clamp at least 7″ from the left edge of the XPS Foam so the surfacing bit does not collide with the clamps. When it is finished remove the surfacing bit.
The file XPS-Foam-Cutting.gcode assumes you are cutting the foam with a 1/8″ milling bit. The X-Axis clamps can remain where they are from the surfacing operation. Place a Y-Axis clamp in between the left edge of the XPS Foam ensuring the right edge of the clamp is less than 3″ from the left edge of the XPS Foam. This will ensure the foam is clamped to the table and the milling bit doesn’t hit any clamps.
After the cutting operation is complete, remove the XPS Foam strip, move rest of the XPS Foam to the left up against the guide dowels, clamp the foam down and repeat the cutting operation. Two XPS Foam strips are needed to make the six Foam Plates.
4.c. Mill XPS Foam Plates 1 through 6
Download XPS Foam Milling Plates Files
The XPS Foam acts as a shock absorber when the free-fall object hits the cushion on the ground. It serves to encase the control and magnet objects as well as providing a space to hold the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Rev2, Powerboost 500 Basic, and Lipo battery together so they do not move.
Place a 76.2mm (3.00inch) Foam Strip into the CNC Router.
- Step 1 mills pocket in Foam Plate 1.
- Step 2 cuts an inner circle in Foam Plate 2 and 3 and an outer circle in Foam Plate 3.
Pop Foam Plate 3 out from the backside and flip the foam strip over in the CNC router.
- Step 3 uses 3D adaptive clearing to mill Foam Plate 1 and 2
Pop Foam Plate 1 and 2 out from the backside and place a 76.2mm (3.00inch) Foam Strip into the CNC Router.
- Step 4 uses 3D adaptive clearing to mill Foam Plate 4, 5, and 6.
Pop Foam Plate 4, 5, and 6 out from the backside.
4.d. Mill EPS Foam Container Plates
Download EPS Foam Milling Files
The magnets are too strong and dangerous to just be left lying around on a table or in a drawer or something. I recommend buying some EPS foam, milling it to fit the assembled magnet object, and a cardboard box to place it all in, finally taping the box shut.
5. Configure Arduino and Serial Bluetooth Terminal App
5.a. Install the Arduino IDE and Required Libraries
In order to upload programs from your PC to the Arduino Nano you will need to install the Arduino IDE program available at the following address:
After it is installed you will need open the program and go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries
This will open a sidebar in the IDE.
Enter “IMU” in the search field.
Install the “Arduino_BMI270_BMM150” library.
Enter “HardwareBLESerial” in the search field.
Install the “HardwareBLESerial” library.
Go to Tools > Board: > Boards Manager
Enter “Mbed Nano” in the search field.
Install the “Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards” library.
5.b. Test the Arduino Nano’s IMU Accelerometer
I ordered an Arduino Nano and the IMU unit would not initialize. Be sure to test the Arduino before soldering the Arduino to the PowerBoost. Connect the Arduino to your PC with a USB cable.
In the IDE go to Files > Examples > Arduino_BMI270_BMM150 and click on SimpleAccelerometer.
This will open the Accelerometer test program.
In the IDE go to Tools > Port: and select the COM Port that has (Arduino Nano 33 BLE)
In the IDE go to Tools and click on Serial Monitor to open the Serial Monitor tab in the program.
In the IDE then go to Sketch > Upload
After the program has compiled and uploaded to the Nano in the Serial Monitor tab it should print:
Accelerometer sample rate = 99.48 Hz
It will then start printing and endless number of lines of the X, Y, and Z data from the IMU accelerometer.
5.c. Upload the Code to the Arduino
Download Arduino Code – FreeFallBMI270-Mark1
I have written code for the Arduino that begins recording accelerometer data 100ms after the button to start it is pressed in the cellphone Bluetooth program. It will record for about 1.25 seconds which is more than enough time for a drop height of slightly over two meters. Attach your Arduino to your PC with a USB cable and upload the FreeFallBMI270-Mark1 sketch into it.
5.d. Install the Serial Bluetooth Terminal App
Install the App from Google Play Store
You will need to make some configuration changes to get Serial Bluetooth Terminal to work with the Arduino Nano code I have written.
Open the app and look at the bottom of the screen. You will see gray buttons with M1, M2, etc. We want to change the name of the button and the command that is sent when it is pressed.
For the four buttons being used the following configuration applies:
Edit Mode: Text
Action: Send
Repeat: Unchecked
Hold down button M1, it should open a configuration screen for the button.
Name: Start
Value: Start Trial
Hold down button M2
Name: Go
Value: Go
Hold down button M3
Name: Redo
Value: Redo Trial
Hold down button M4
Name: New
Value: New Trial Series
Hold down button M5
Name: Send
Value: Send
Then click on the three bars next to the word Terminal and select Settings
Terminal tab
Buffer size: Unlimited.
For the Receive tab
Newline: CR+LF
Send tab
Newline: None
Under Misc. is where you save the text data you receive from the Arduino. I would recommend using a different folder for each free-fall object test. Click on Save + log folder, choose Custom and click Edit Custom.
I recommend creating five folders in the Downloads folder of your cellphone, one named Control, NSNS, NSSN, SNNS, and SNSN. Each time you finish an objects twenty five trials change the folder you are saving to so your accelerometer text files stay organized. Don’t forget to click the Allow Access button at the bottom of the screen when you have selected a folder. It gives the Bluetooth app the permission to write the text files to that folder.
5.e. Test the Arduino/Bluetooth App Connection
Before assembling the Free-Fall Object lets test to make sure the Arduino program is working. The Arduino should still be connected to your PC through the USB cable and be powered on.
In the Serial Bluetooth Terminal app click on the three bars and select Devices. Click on the Scan button in the upper right corner. You should see a Bluetooth device named IMU BMI270. Click on it to connect to it. In the terminal window it should say “Connecting to”, then Connected. If you don’t see Connected appear then try clicking the icon to the left of the trash can to attempt reconnect.
Once connected click the Start button. You should see a line of text that says:
Trial 1 is ready. Clear terminal and press Go.
Clear the terminal by clicking on the Garbage Can icon, that will get rid of the unwanted text in the terminal so it doesn’t get saved with the accelerometer data in a text file. Do what it says, click the Go button.
After a couple seconds the program should have finished recording the accelerometer data. Press the Send button in the Serial Bluetooth Terminal app and you should see a bunch of data begin transmitting to your phone from the Arduino. Once it stops click the three dots and select Data > Save. This will save the terminal data to a text file in the directory you specified above.
Now that we know its working we can disconnect the USB cable.
5.f. Solder the Arduino Nano to the PowerBoost 500
How to solder is beyond the scope of this guide. If you do not know how to solder wires to circuit boards I recommend reading this informative guide with pictures to learn Soldering 101.
We will be using the the 24AWG wire from the materials list to connect the Arduino to the PowerBoost. I recommend using a black wire for Ground and Red wire for 5V.
As you can see in the image of Foam Plate 5 above there are parts milled all the way through the foam. Those are to hold the Arduino, the PowerBoost, and a Lipo battery that plugs into the PowerBoost. The small pocket not milled all the way through is where the wires between the Arduino and PowerBoost run connecting the two boards. The wires should be short and soldered from GND to GND and 5V to 5V.
Now, when you begin free-fall tests you will attach the Lipo Battery to the PowerBoost 500 and tuck the three components into Foam Plate 5. The Lipo battery and PowerBoost will provide electricity to the Arduino and the Arduino’s onboard Bluetooth device will let you relay the Accelerometer data to your cellphone where it can be recorded and uploaded to the Cloud such as a Google Drive for further examination.
Make sure to keep the Lipo battery charged with the USB charger.
6. Assemble the Free-Fall Cores
Ever free-fall object consists of a
- 1 x 1/4″-20 x 4″ Aluminum bolt
- 2 x 1/4″ Aluminum washers
- 1 x 1/4″-20 Aluminum hex nut
The Control object consists of steel fender washers stacked to a height of two inches.
The NS/NS object consists of two magnets attractively coupled with the bolt entering through the south pole side and exiting the north pole side where the hex nut is attached.
The NS/SN object consists of two magnets repulsively coupled with the bolt entering through the north pole side and exiting the north pole side where the hex nut is attached.
The SN/NS object consists of two magnets repulsively coupled with the bolt entering through the south pole side and exiting the south pole side where the hex nut is attached.
The SN/SN object consists of two magnets attractively coupled with the bolt entering through the north pole side and exiting the south pole side where the hex nut is attached.
6.a. Assembling the Control Core
Assembling the Control Object is the easiest part. Simply stack approximately thirty seven of the above fender washers using the above mentioned Aluminum bolt, washers, and hex nut while ensuring the height of the washers doesn’t exceed two inches so it will fit inside the Free-Fall object shell.
6.b. Assembling the Attractively Coupled Magnets
I strongly urge anyone replicating this experiment to email K&J Magnetics before ordering and tell them you want them to attach the attractively coupled magnets for you.
If you try to do this yourself you run the very real risk of injury or breaking the magnets. You only need two magnets for the attractively coupled test as they don’t rely on the bolt and nut to keep them together. You simply remove the nut and bolt and flip them around to test the drop from north pole to south pole or vice versa.
With the two magnets already assembled it is merely a matter of attaching the Aluminum bolt, washers, and hex nut so they should have identical mass with the other magnet objects since they are made of identical materials.
6.c. Assembling Repulsively Coupled Magnets
This is a little tricky and dangerous as the magnets will try and flip on you to couple attractively. The method I found that works is to put the Aluminum bolt through one Aluminum washer and then through one magnet. Use the magnet pole detector so you know which pole is on the bottom and which is on top. Then place a piece of MDF with a slot milled into it and slide it into the Aluminum bolt on top of the magnet.
Stand with both feet on the MDF on each side of the slot. Then you place the second magnet, make sure you know what pole is facing down with the magnet pole detector, so when you push it onto the Aluminum bolt there is repulsive force between the two magnets. Then simply push the magnet down far enough on the bolt, put on the washer and start tightening the nut. Once the nut is threaded enough on the bolt you may slide out the MDF piece.
Finally, use two 3D printed plastic wrenches to hold the Aluminum hex bolt steady while you turn the Aluminum hex nut with the other wrench.
7. Assembling the Free-Fall Object
Take out the plastic shells you printed and place Foam Piece 1 into the bottom of the bottom plastic shell. Then Foam Piece 2 and Foam Piece 3. Starting with the Control tests, place the assembled Control Core in the bottom shell, then place Foam Piece 4 on top fitting it half way inside the shell. Connect the Lipo battery to the Powerboost powering up the PowerBoost and the Arduino Nano. Then place it in Foam Piece 5. Place Foam Piece 6 the top shell followed by Foam Piece 5.
Now proceed to use the M4x25mm nylon screws and M4 nylon hex nuts to attach the bottom and top shells together.
8. Conduct Free-Fall Tests
Connect your phone once more to the Arduino Nano using the Serial Bluetooth Terminal app.
Each trial follows the same process.
- Click Start
- Click Trash Can
- Click Go
- Wait about 3 Seconds to Record Data
- Click Send and Wait for Data to Finish Transmitting
- Click Three Dots
- Click Data
- Click Save
I added the Start button so you will know what trial number you are about to conduct and letting you delete that information from the screen so only accelerometer data gets saved to the text file.
If you intend to conduct more than twenty five trials per free-fall object then you will need to edit the Arduino file, the variable “numberTrials” and increase it.
If you intend to drop the objects from greater heights.then variable “numberSamples” will need to be increased. It is currently set to “125” which is approximately 1.25 seconds.
You may of course conduct as many trials per object and from whatever heights you desire but I would recommend heights of at least two meters to help determine if the NSNS magnet object ever plateaus in its acceleration during free-fall which I am sure got your attention and desire to replicate the experiment in the first place.