Parts Lists

The current money spent and will be spent on tools, materials, and components totals: $5,768.23
Here is a link to my GoFundMe account
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General Tools Parts List

Here is a list of the tools and supplies used across multiple experiments. See where the money’s going.

Posted on: June 18, 2024 See the Parts List

Magnet Free-Fall Object Parts

Magnet Free-Fall and Gravitational Mass Experiment Parts List

Check out the list of parts used in the gravitational and inertial mass modification experiments. See where the money is going.

Posted on: June 18, 2024 See the Parts List

Capacitor Schematic

Biefeld-Brown Effect Parts List

Check out the list of parts used in the Biefeld-Brown effect experiments, from the Marx generator to the aluminum/pvdf based parallel plate capacitor. See where the money is going.

Posted on: June 18, 2024 See the Parts List