Updates on My Dipole Magnet Free-Fall Experiments. Mark 6 Free-Fall Objects using the BNO055 IMU in OPERATION_MODE_ACCGYRO with VECTOR_LINEARACCEL output.
Updates on My Dipole Magnet Free-Fall Experiments. Mark 5 Free-Fall Objects reach 0.75 Meters/Second2 more than Mark 1.
Updates on my magnet free-fall experiments – Recording their acceleration rates as they travel in the direction of north pole to south pole.
I provide experimental evidence that magnets in free-fall moving in the direction of north pole to south pole experience runaway acceleration violating the Equivalence Principle and is a result of inertial mass reduction.
I hypothesize that the Biefeld-Brown effect is a result of unpaired nucleon spin alignment and is the propulsion method of the leaked “Alien Reproduction Vehicle”.